Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy New Year!

Isnt' that a delightfully tacky new years crown?
I know it's a little early to talk about the New Year...but I've already been thinking about resolutions....
Is anyone good at keeping their New Year’s Resolutions? I’m not. In fact, I usually forget what they were by um…February. But, I always think about them…what would I like to do better, what would I like to accomplish, etc.

Well this year, I am giving myself 2 New Year’s resolutions.
1) Become as much of a locovore as possible. How do you even spell that word? Localvore? Locavore? Anyway. I would like to buy, eat, recreate, etc as locally as possible. Now, we all know the dilemma about fresh produce in the winter, and let’s face it, while I live in a hugely agricultural valley…we don’t really produce much in the winter. But California does….and hey, that is only two states over…so that is better than Mexico right? Anyway, this resolution also extends to patronizing small local businesses and restaurants, instead of chains. Now…this won’t always be possible, like when my Inlaws want to eat at Red Robin for my father-in-law’s bday. I’ve also been thinking about my gym membership, which has been sorely under utilized since I started doing morning walks with the dog, as well as using the employee workout room, but when my “contract” is up in July, not continuing and joining the small, locally owned gym that is 1 block from my subdivision. Then I could walk there! How much more local can you get? Plus….it’s 13 dollars a month cheaper!
2) The second is to read 3 books per month. This is actually quite easy for me. I am a voracious reader, but I let me self read fluff books. It’s not that I WANT to read text books or anything, but now that I’m out of school…I’ve decided that while I am going to read 3 books a month, 1 of them has to be non fiction.
3) Ok, I lied 3 resolutions. My third resolution is that I am going to make a mini set of resolutions each month. Little things that I want to accomplish or do. I got the idea from Kim over at and I actually started doing it in October.

I didn’t share about my mini resolutions, because…given my track record with resolutions, I didn’t want to fail miserably semi-publicly, on my blog. I would say that I’ve been about 60% successful with my monthly resolutions. I write them down on little index cards and keep them at my office.

Do you want to know what I’m working on this month? It was sort of a back to basics month for me.
1) read 2 non fiction books (Which is where I got the idea for my 2009 resolution)
2) Drink 2 nalgene bottles of water a day at work.( I was really good about this, but got in the bad habit of not drinking enough H20.)
3) Check blogs/internet at designated times throughout my work day. (for example 8am for 10 mins, 11 am for 10 mins, and 3pm for 10 mins. )
4) Do a lunchtime “sweat break” 4x a week. 2 cardio, 2 toning.

I’m doing really well on 1-3. As far as my “sweat break” I’ve done pretty well. Last week the weather was just too nice to not go outside on my lunch hour, so I took 30 minute walks that week…..

I’m going to wait to reveal my January resolutions till the new year….ooh the suspense...I can’t take it! J Stay warm.


Every Gym's Nightmare said...

mine is to drink more water, too!

Kelly Turner

Allison said...

Hooray for the water drinking!

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