Friday, October 3, 2008


This is totally unrelated to anything that I usually post about.....

Part of my job is to find instructors to teach various recreation classes for our department. You know, for classes like ballroom dance, mommy n' me and scrapbooking.

Lots of times people contact me...
Yesterday I got back from my lunch break and found a business card on my desk--
"Anthony Bulone--Master Sculptor."
Our admin. assistant told me that he was a nice older gentleman who had come in and was interested in teaching a sculpting/ mold making class for our department.

His business card had his website and on it I found that........

He is the sculptor of the very very very first Barbie! Isn't that insane!! Get this..Mattell commisioned him to make this doll, and paid him $800 for it, the mold, and all the rights.
Can you imagine, even begin to fathom what he could have now? Wow.

Also, how sweet is this...the doll has the features of his late wife. I guess he sculpted it while they were just engaged. He did make sure to mention that some parts of Barbie's Anatomy were not true to life, because he had to use his imagination, and certain things need to be bigger so "doll clothes fit better" aww cute.
He came back to my office today and I was chatting with him. He told me he never expected Barbie to be as big as it is today. An original doll...from his mold is worth more than he was paid for the entire job.

She almost looks like Betty Page!


GroundedFitness said...

weird! I bet hes a bajillionaire. or completely broke. i could see it going either way...

Kelly Turner

littlecalder said...

that is awesome! how cool is it that you got to meet someone like that?!

Anonymous said...

How did you overcome your binging problem? I have this same issue and I don't know how to get past it. I can't afford therapy or anything like that. I am very overweight and know I need to lose, but I can't seem to find the motivation...

Allison said...

I don't know if he is broke, but he certainly isn't a bajillionaire..I don't think he has ANY rights to Barbie at all, aside from a cool story!

Little Calder-
I know! It totally made my day.

Anon- I know how you feel, like you just don't know how to get started....You know...I think I might make a post out of your question. Check back!