Tuesday, May 6, 2008


So, today I had some leftovers for lunch..they weren't very exciting, as I'd had them for dinner last night, and the night before. I think they are gone now. Whew.
The exciting part of my lunch was this....... Well, I didn't actually pack a mini cupcake in the same Tupperware as my Orange Bell Peppers and Carrots! I didn't make this cupcake either, it's one of those frosting laden deals you get in a pack at the grocery store. We had an All Staff BBQ for lunch yesterday, and one of the guys picked these up for desert. I resisted yesterday (by resisted I mean I had a piece of cake instead!) but I couldn't pass them up today. It was a mini cup-cake and the perfect size, usually these store bought cupcakes are WAY too sugary (as if there is such a thing). I liked the juxtaposition of the cupcake with the veggies.

And talk about some orange veggies! Yumm..isn't it cute?

I think I want to try my hand at cupcakes (homemade) in the near-ish future.
We are all moved in, but no where near un packed....I skipped the gym Monday...but got back to it today...
Tuesdays are generally my weigh in day, but after a weekend of moving, and incomplete meals and lack of veggies..I didn't want to get on the scale. But I promised my self I would weigh my self once a week, and record the number, even say it out loud, once a week. How often do you say your weight out loud?


chandra said...

I have honestly never said my weight out loud as I'm weighing myself... now that I think about it I actually hate saying my weight out loud. Saying things makes it so real, I don't know if I'm ready for that step yet. :) lol I love that idea. I'm going to start doing it with my gym weigh ins!

Allison said...

I realized about 5 months ago that I NEVER say my weight out loud. Saying it outloud helps remind me that it's just a number.