Monday, March 17, 2008

oh, hello old friend....

So, when I started this "journey" I decided that I was going to become a "runner." Ha. Running has always been a challenge for's not something you would say I "enjoy."'s FREE! and you don't need any extra equipment (well aside from a VERY good pair of running shoes designed for your gait, and in my case two maximum support bras, these Double D's don't hold themselves in!), and your body just does it! It's doesn't have to learn like riding a bike, or dancing, or weight lifting. You learn to run, all on your own. Now, we might not run with a perfect stride or form, but everyone's brain knows how to make their legs run.

Anyway, I did the whole couch to 5k thing (blah blah, I just realized I ALREADY posted this saga), so I'll move on. The department I work for, puts on a 10k/6k run/walk each summer. Last summer, after I had so gallantly decided that I was going to be a "runner" I told everyone in my office that the following (this) summer, I was going to run the 6k. Damn.
No one remembers this but me, so I don't have to prove anything to anyone but myself, and sometimes that is wayyyy more difficult.........


Anonymous said...

A 6k, totally do-able...just 3.7 miles. It's a great summer goal! Glad to have a friend in the "I'm a DD need two sports bras" club.

Allison said...

I wish I had your faith in the ease of 3.7 miles! I'll get there though!
There are days when I wish I wasn't part of the DD club!

Anonymous said...

...just wait until you get pregnant, have a baby and your milk comes in...

...then stop nursing and have to fold your breasts like origami to get them back into your bra!

Allison said...

I know that image should'nt make me laugh, but all I can picture, is folding my breasts like Origami Cranes.

But, I have already come to terms with the fact that If I ever want perky boobs, they are going to have to done surgically! Oh well.